When The Ghost Becomes a Zombie: Dating Advice
Your personal “Walking Dead” movie has started and you need some serious dating advice: What to do when the ghost becomes a zombie. You were ghosted by someone you thought was the one and now he’s back as a zombie. He came across as a great guy who was totally into you. Then one day for no good reason you can think of, he disappeared. Good, old social media. Just when you thought your ghost had moved on to ghost his next victim, there he is liking your Instagram, Facebook, Snaps, Tik Tok posts, and videos, etc. You even received a text message and a DM from him stating in…
What To Do When You’re Ghosted
Alas, you meet the man of your dreams, or so you thought until he ghosted you. He just up and disappeared after a few months of dating, and of telling you that you were the best thing that ever happened to him. Moreover, he used the three sacred words that turn every woman’s world upside down, and right side up again. Everything about him led you to believe that he was the one. Then all of a sudden “poof,” he did an Invisible Man act on you. He Couldn’t Possibly Be Ghosting You Or could he? You called, texted, instant messaged, and emailed him. Additionally, you contacted his friends and…